
Unlike many other synthetic installation companies, ABS Sports Fields has experience at Designing and Constructing Baseball Fields. The time and effort expended by the ABS Sports Fields team to come up with the best quality construction base and surface finish is the key to the long term success of our projects. The time and effort expended by the ABS Sports Fields team to come up with the best quality construction base and surface finish is the key to the long term success of our projects.
To view our gallery of installations click here or contact us today to discuss your specific installation needs.

The official rules do not specify the shape, height, or composition of the wall, or a specific mandatory distance from home plate (though Major League Baseball mandates a minimum distance of 250 feet (76 m) and recommends a minimum distance of 320 feet (98 m) at the foul poles and 400 feet (120 m) at center field).

The design of your sports field isn’t just about the layout of your new facility, it also determines the base structure, product use and specifications. At ABS Sports Fields we ensure excellent design which in turns provides you with a field you know will stand the test of time.
A poorly designed sports facility may initially stand up for a few years, but more often than not a poorly designed fields which is less than functional for the uses they were intended for often require heavy renovation work within just a year or two.
Much of the renovation work we do at ABS Sports Fields is due to poorly designed fields that actually needed the work 3 or more years before the owners were able to put together the proper capital to have the work done. There are plenty of ways to try and save money on a build project but design and grading is not one of them.
Sports field engineering is very unique and it is common area for installation companies to fail in as they do not have a true understanding of this engineering area. Whether it be the drainage, uneven surfaces our extensive experience in sports field engineering and a detailed knowledge through our vast research experience, ABS Sports Fields should be your first point of call.

Supergrasse® Baseball and Softball synthetic turf systems have been designed to mimic the characteristics of a natural grass, while providing you with a low maintenance ballpark. You can convert a dusty, poorly used field into a bright and inviting facility that athletes love to play on, all year round. Supergrasse® Baseball and Softball synthetic turf systems have been designed to mimic the characteristics of a natural grass, while providing you with a low maintenance ballpark. You can convert a dusty, poorly used field into a bright and inviting facility that athletes love to play on, all year round.
Aesthetically it resembles a well-manicured lawn, which is in-filled with sand and rubber, making the surface durable, soft and extremely popular with coaches and athletes. Supergrasse® systems are clean and free draining.
NO Rainouts! NO Lips! NO Bad Hops!
APT Asia Pacific can tailor your Supergrasse® field to meet your needs. You may prefer a faster surface on the base paths and infield, but then prefer a slower surface in the outfield to reduce the speed of balls in play. APT offers a product mix to suit your specific requirements.
Supergrasse® provides: • Enhanced ball-roll and playability • Superior sliding characteristics • Sturdy footing • No glare • Less infill than competing systems – less splashing • Low maintenance in comparison to natural fields • Year round, all weather playability
Product information supplied by APT Asia Pacific.

ABS Sports Fields suggested maintenance plan of the synthetic baseball infield is developed around field use and weather.
More maintenance is required for higher field use or harsh weather. Basic daily maintenance includes working on the high-wear areas, including batters boxes, pitching mound, all the bases, dugouts and entrances to the fields. For the most part, the work requires just a push broom or backpack blower to move the crumb rubber back into place. The rubber is pushed back to its original location and then water is used to help settle the rubber back into place.
Around the mound area, ABS Sports Field recommend pushing any clay back on the mound. This will also push crumb rubber on the mound. During certain, high use times of the year we recommend using a backpack blower daily to blow debris off the surface.
The biggest thing that we can recommend in taking care of your field is to stay on top of the maintenance.